EVECO s.r.o.

EVECO, s.r.o.

Vinohradská 3217/167,
Strašnice, 100 00 Prague 10
Reg. No.: 26196174 / VAT: CZ26196174
GPS: 50.07751268490403, 14.487631638605112

Data box: rg2494e

Telefon + 420 724 004 669
Telefon eveco@evecopraha.cz

Bank connection: KB branch office Prague 2
Account number: 27-4667840217/0100
IBAN: CZ2701 0000 0027 4667 840217

The company EVECO, s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 78825.


Podnikatelská 558
Prague 9
190 11

Telefon eveco@evecopraha.cz

Testing laboratory

EVECO, s.r.o.
Sažinova 1339
399 01 Milevsko

Telefon +420 776 167 217
Telefon korensky@evecopraha.cz

Statutory authority

Managing Director
Ing. Martin Vojáček

Managing Director
Ing. Pavel Blažek

Company management

Managing Director/sales
Ing. Martin Vojáček
Managing Director
Ing. Pavel Blažek
Technical director
Ing. Jiří Vladyka